RODEO Tickets
Ticket Information:
- Under age 5 is always free.
- Saturday, 1:00 pm performance, all children are free with a paying adult.
- Child ticket ages 6-12 – Adults are 13 & up.
- Ticket Prices will be
- Dec 1 thru May 31 – $18/$7
- Jun 1 thru Jul 10 – $20/$8
- July 11 thru 12 – $25/$10
- Ticket Policy
- Disclaimer: we cannot guarantee third-party sales. All sales are final, and no refunds.
- Performances go on rain or shine.
Tickets will be available at the main gate.
Tickets are good for one performance only.
Get IN touch
(906) 284-9680 or
(906) 367-0028
Upper Peninsula Championship Rodeo
105 Theodore St. (Mailing Address)
720 W Franklin St. (Physical Address)
Iron River , MI 49935
Local INFO
Iron County Economic Chamber Alliance